MICC is a method and approach that is the common essence for different projects. Some MICC’s focus on University students, while others are meant for high schoolers. Sometimes at MICC, we try to get groups from three or more continents while other times we facilitate neighborly cooperation between European countries. As every MICC differs from the other ones, sometimes we are financially supported by different actors. We’re listing some of them here on the page together, and are humbled and grateful for their continuous effort to make MICC possible for youth all over the world.
The Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future”
Reinhard Frank Foundation
European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Federal Republic of Germany – Foreign Office

Government of the Netherlands – MATRA Program

Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
MICC Partners
None of the work we do would be possible without our international partners. They provide us with the necessary help in finding participants, advertising the results, applying for funds, and delivering the projects.
As MICC grew, some of our partners were inspired to develop their own, MICC inspired projects as for example: